
Take a hike!

William Sullivan's "100 Hikes in the Central Oregon Cascades" turned out to be one of my Christmas presents after I redeemed a giftcard at a local bookstore. It's a great handbook for the a beginning hiker like me. Just the Table of Contents is handy; it tells you the difficulty of a hike and if it can be adapted for backpacking (something I plan on getting involved in soon).

So far I've done one hike-Spencer Butte. Both trails are considered easy, but the shorter trail is a steeper climb and a tougher scramble at the top. I definitely wasn't ready for that, but after a few breaks I made it.

I can't wait to conquer some of the other destinations which include: Mt Jefferson, Three-Fingered Jack, The Sisters, and Silver Creek Falls. I also can't wait to check out some of his other books that feature hikes in NW Oregon, Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon and SW Washington.

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